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Jack Gaughan Cover Painting for 'Earth Enslaved' Now on Display Inside 'Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction' at MoPOP

March 4, 2022

Materials from the archive of artist Jack Gaughan, a member of MoPOP's 'Science Fiction + Fantasy Hall of Fame,' have been added to the museum's 'Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction' exhibition.


Materials from the archive of artist Jack Gaughan, a member of the Museum of Pop Culture's Science Fiction + Fantasy Hall of Fame, have been added to Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction at MoPOP.

The work on display inside the exhibition from Gaughan, who created more than 500 book and magazine covers in his career that spanned from the 1940s until his death in 1985, features the cover painting for Earth Enslaved. The book is the 9th in a series of 17 novels by E.C. Tubb under the pen name Gregory Kern that spotlight Captain "Cap" Kennedy, defender of the Terran Sphere.

Jack Gaughan 'Earth Enslaved' Painting

Earth Enslaved (Cap Kennedy #9), 1973, cover painting by Jack Gaughan - MoPOP Permanent Collection, Gift of Jack Gaughan Estate

Jack Gaughan Sketchbook with Polaroid photos

Polaroid Figure Studies + 'Earth Enslaved' (Cap Kennedy #9) by Gregory Kern (E.C. Tubb), June 1974 - MoPOP Permanent Collection, Gift of Jack Gaughan Estate

Gaughan would frequently take Polaroid photos of himself and family members as figure studies for his paintings and illustrations and then work on them in sketchbooks like those seen above.

Jack Gaughan accounting ledgers

Invoice & Ledger Book - MoPOP Permanent Collection, Gift of Jack Gaughan Estate

He also meticulously kept all his preliminary illustrations, paintings, proofs, related invoices, accounting ledgers, and other correspondence. Together, this archive shows us the work and working life of a busy artist at the height of science fiction paperback popularity.


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