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Success Doesn't Suck: Nirvana Graces January 1994 Cover of 'Rolling Stone'

January 14, 2021

Take a closer look at the photograph of Nirvana taken for the January 1994 issue of 'Rolling Stone' magazine.


On October 27, 1993, Nirvana were photographed in Kalamazoo, Michigan for an upcoming issue of Rolling Stone magazine. The cover shoot was different from previous photo shoots that the band had done, simply for the clothing they were wearing. Instead of their usual casual attire such as t-shirts and jeans, they were photographed looking extremely professional in three-piece business suits. Quite the dapper look for a grunge band!

Nirvana graced the cover of the January 27, 1994 issue along with the caption "Success Doesn't Suck." In the feature article, Kurt Cobain was asked about the band skyrocketing into stardom following their success of Nevermind. He responded with, "It was so fast and explosive. I didn't know how to deal with it. If there was a Rock Star 101 class, I would have liked to take it. I think it might have helped me."

Living ordinary lives one day and then becoming a worldwide phenomenon overnight can be a huge challenge. None of the guys were prepared for that level of success, least of all Cobain. Within a few months of the article, Kurt was gone and the world was left with so many questions. One can't help but wonder what things would be like if he were with us today. With everything going on the world right now, I'm sure Kurt would have a lot to say and continue to be the voice of his generation.

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