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Teacher Feature: Sara Fraser

January 12, 2021

Get to know Whitman Middle School math teacher Sara Fraser, a member of MoPOP's Teacher Advisory Board which helps develop programs that meet the complex needs of modern classrooms.


Sara Fraser is a member of the Museum of Pop Culture’s Teacher Advisory Board (TAB), which helps MoPOP develop programs that meet the complex needs of modern classrooms. TAB members test new programming, receive free exclusive workshops, and influence the museum’s curriculum. Let's get to know Sara!

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you teach!

Sara: I teach math at Whitman Middle School. It is my goal to have students enjoy math and not fear it. I struggled with math as a kid and I want to make sure my students have a fun, safe place to learn a tough subject. I am a long distance runner, swimmer, swim coach, and yoga teacher. I also have a Peloton that I ride every day; I love movement and feeling strong!

Any tips for teaching in the age of COVID-19?

Sara: Patience! With yourself and with your students! We are all struggling! Listen to your instincts and your students. Slow down and breathe. Don't try for normal because NOTHING is normal right now.

Sara Fraser MoPOP Teacher Advisory Board

Why did you apply to be a part of the Teacher Advisory Board?

Sara: I love MoPOP and I love education! New ways of teaching, new people to learn from. Why wouldn't I want to be part of that? I think is the better question.

How does MoPOP connect to your classroom content?

Sara: Connection with my students through pop culture! The content for math specifically can be created, but the personal connections I gain from conversations from music to Minecraft is WONDERFUL!

Sara Fraser MoPOP Teacher Advisory Board

What is your favorite memory with MoPOP?

Sara: MoPOP has that incredible sci-fi exhibit and I come from Trekkies! We went on a whole family trip and had so much fun. We love The Next Generation and got such a kick climbing through the 'Jeffries tube.' Can't wait to visit again!

What’s your pop culture passion?

Sara: Fantasy and science fiction! I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I love Doctor Who. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is my favorite show of all time! I also love theme parks and rollercoasters! My favorites are Space Mountain at Disneyland/World, The Hulk at Universal Studios and The Dueling Dragons at Universal, although that ride is gone now.

Get To Know More of MoPOP's Teacher Advisory Board!

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