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Washington Governor Jay Inslee Visits MoPOP, Snaps Selfie With Gort the Robot

July 28, 2021

Even United States governors can't help but try to snap the perfect selfie during a visit to the Museum of Pop Culture.


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Even United States governors can't help but try to snap the perfect selfie during a visit to the Museum of Pop Culture.

That much was clear this past week, when Jay Inslee stopped by MoPOP. The Washington state governor was on site at the Seattle nonprofit organization to check out how our museum interprets and celebrates pop culture history. During a museum tour led by MoPOP staff, Inslee stopped just outside the entrance to Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction to take a pic with Gort the robot from The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951).

Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP

Showcasing a few artifacts from MoPOP's vault and leading the governor around MoPOP's LEED Gold certified building were Executive Director Alexis Lee, Director of Curatorial, Collections & Exhibits Jacob McMurray, Director of Facilities & Museum Operations James Vegas, and Senior Curator Brooks Peck.

"It's really been illuminating to think about what has happened in our culture, starting in the late 1800s coming up until now, and the power of culture," Jay Inslee said of his impressions of MoPOP. "It's just been exciting. There's so much here to love. My personal favorite, of course, is Gort, from my science-fiction days. But it doesn't matter what genre you want, it's right here. This is an art institution, but it's also an industrial institution because the arts are part of our economy as well as our culture, and we love to see this side of it."

Keep scrolling to check out more photos from Washington Governor Jay Inslee's visit to MoPOP!

Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee at MoPOP
Washington Governor Jay Inslee Visits MoPOP

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