Will Taylor is a freelance marketing copywriter and a children's author for HarperCollins and Scholastic. You can check out more of his work at willtaylorbooks.com.
Preheat Your Ovens: Bake Off is Back!
When the first season of The Great British Bake Off hit UK screens in 2010, Rihanna’s Only Girl (In the World) was rocking the charts, The Social Network was dominating movie theaters, and the iPad was six months old.
Since then, this cake-pop-cultural phenomenon has gone on to teach the entire planet about soggy bottoms, sticky ginger carpet, and Rahul’s favorite way to start the day. We have cheered for Nadiya, whistled at Steven, laughed with Richard, fallen for Ruby, and wondered why on earth no one has taken that spoon away from Noel. It has been, so often, the show that got us through.
Which is why we couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming season! If recent patterns hold, it should be hitting US Netflix in late September, so to tide us over until then, here are three reasons to get excited for Season 14. (Or Collection 11 by Netflix’s Great British Baking Show tabulation.)
1. Alison Hammond joins the show!
With Matt Lucas stepping away, beloved This Morning presenter Alison Hammond will be there to keep the bakers piping and laughing. Not familiar with Alison? Prepare to fall in love ↓
2. No more country-themed weeks!
After last year’s “Mexican Week” debacle, multiple sources report the show has done away with the “[Insert-Country-Here] Week” format. Let’s hope any new ideas are showstopping for the right reasons this time.
3. This frankly terrifying Channel 4 promo vid!
Oh sure, it starts off all cute and awkward, but then! Ten custard tarts says Noel had a hand in this ↓