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Artifact Stats: Lament Configuration Box from "Hellraiser"

June 29, 2018

Clive Barker’s Hellraiser was released September 18, 1987, making it a certified 30-year classic in my book.


Clive Barker’s Hellraiser was released September 18, 1987, making it a certified 30-year classic in my book.

Based on his novella The Hellbound Heart, Barker’s film is a dark exploration of temptation and desire. There are ten films in the franchise, but the story has inspired continuations of the mythology in fiction and comic series.

We love having a small piece of Hellraiser history in Scared to Death: The Thrill of Horror Film. The puzzle box may be beautiful to behold, but solve it at your own risk.

The Lament Configuration box

Artifact Stats

Name: Lament Configuration Box
Appears: Hellraiser: Inferno
Use: Puzzle boxes that acts as a doorway to another dimension
Why it’s scary: The other dimension is filled with demonic pain-worshiping Cenobites

Hellraiser Infernos Lament Configuration Box at MoPOP