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Be Heard—Vote! MoPOP Staff Share 'Why I Vote'

November 2, 2020

As part of the Museum of Pop Culture's Be Heard—Vote! campaign, MoPOP staff answer the prompt 'Why I Vote' in a few short sentences.


Voting and pop culture have some stuff in common… they’re things everyone can get behind, you’re super cool when you’re up to speed on them, and the fate of our democracy depends on them (well actually, that one is just about voting). In this important election year, we’re encouraging everyone to “be heard” at the ballot box.

As part of the Museum of Pop Culture's Be Heard—Vote! campaign, MoPOP staff use a few short sentences to answer the prompt 'Why I Vote'

Shawana: "I vote because if there are decisions that are going to be made about my life and rights, I should have a say and a voice in that."

Jason: "I vote because, in our democracy, it is one of the few ways we can have a direct impact on people’s lives. When we vote, we participate in choosing things that may seem abstract on the one hand—whether we go to war, ensure civil rights, or support arts and culture—but on the other, have a direct impact on our day-to-day lives: who is housed, how healthy we are, and how we educate our young people. I vote because voting is the best way to turn my values into action."

Rosie: "I vote because it is my right, and our futures should not be regressive."

Michael: "For me the reason I vote is really simple: I vote because I can. For generations people have fought to secure the right to vote and even today people remain disenfranchised and we see voter suppression happening around the country. Too many people have sacrificed too much for me to not exercise my right to vote."

Lisa: "I feel blessed to live in a country such as ours. We are afforded rights and responsibilities not shared by all humans. As such, I feel it is imperative that I be a part of the process of our democracy. That’s not to say that there aren’t challenges. There definitely are. But I can only impact change if I use my voice. My vote is my voice. And I use it. Please use yours."

Tony: "I vote because it is an opportunity to create positive change, stand up for issues I care about, and support my community and communities around me."

Lauren: "I vote to join the long and important struggle to make our nation a better and more just place. I vote because I believe that when everyone votes and everyone’s voice is heard, that’s when we are at our best. I vote because I know that the fact that I can vote is a privilege that I cannot waste."

Chauncey: "I vote because I want to help direct this country to a future where justice and freedom truly reign."

Caitrin: "I vote to protect women's rights now and in the future."

Jacob: "I vote because we live in a democracy and voting is a seat at the table. I also vote because it's not only about my future, it's about my children's future, it's about our community, and it's about where we want our society as a whole to go. So please, vote."

Kristin: "I vote because it's my right and my civic duty."

Greta: "I vote because I live in a democracy, so I have that right and that privilege. It's a way that I can participate in building the beautiful vision that I have of my community's future. So, I vote with joy."

Lillian: "I vote because it is my voice. In the not too distant past as a woman, I would not have been able to vote, which seems unimaginable now. I will not take my ability to cast my ballot for granted and I vote to make my voice heard."

Madison: "I vote because I think that any opportunity you have as a citizen to exert any agency over the leaders that you're going to be interacting with and working with and sometimes pushing back against in this process of building a better world, I think it's our duty to take that opportunity. I think it's really important to do any little thing you can do to change the course of that struggle of that process. That's why I do it, and you should do it too."

More Be Heard—Vote! Content From MoPOP:

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