Open today from 10am - 5pm

It's Time to GiveBIG! Support MoPOP During Washington's Annual Community-Wide Time of Giving

May 6, 2020

With your support we can help ensure the Museum of Pop Culture remains strong to inspire future generations of pop culture lovers.


Through GiveBIG Washington, our state's annual community-wide time of giving, individuals, businesses, and organizations come together to invest in healing our communities. Due to current world events, this year is more important than ever. With your support we can help ensure the Museum of Pop Culture remains strong to inspire future generations of pop culture lovers. If you are able, please consider making a gift to MoPOP at the link below.

This year, you can even help fundraise (awww, thanks) for your favorite nonprofit museum right on the GiveBIG website!

Still not convinced on why you might support MoPOP? We'll let some of our members and their stories fill you in! Check out the videos below to learn even more about our community-driven work.

MoPOP Member Stories | "A Stage For The Community"

MoPOP Member Stories | "Without Music There Isn't Life"

MoPOP Member Stories | "There's Something Here That You're Going To Love"