Open today from 10am - 5pm

Minecraft: The Skull with Lava Eyes

September 12, 2018

Today we’re back on the MoPOP Minecraft realm with another kooky creation from museum staff member, Kevin.


Today we’re back on the MoPOP Minecraft realm with another kooky creation from museum staff member, Kevin.

Kevin’s made lots of awesome stuff in the realm, but this creation kinda takes the cake.

Closeup of the skull with lava eyes in Minecraft

This skull has everything you could hope for: lava eyes, iron bar teeth, and a spooky cavernous inside. It also gets extra points for being perfectly placed in a cheerful meadow near the edge of town.

Side view of the skull with lava eyes in Minecraft

I asked Kevin if there was anything people should know about the skull that you couldn’t learn from a still image. He kept his response short and to the point: “Just that it grows zombies inside it in the darkness of the hollowed-out skull.”ť

Side view of the skull with lava eyes in Minecraft


I’m totally not having any nightmares tonight.

Frontal view of the skull with lava eyes in Minecraft

Whether you make lava skulls or just like to keep teal sheep as pets, all kinds of crafters are welcome to our MINECON Earth Party at MoPOP September 29. Get yer tickets!

Three quarters view of the skull with lava eyes in Minecraft