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POP+ Write Out of This World: Samuel R. Delany on 'Farmer in the Sky'

June 4, 2020

African American and gay, Samuel Delany not only broke barriers as a science fiction author at a time when the genre was dominated by white authors and heteronormative narratives, but is celebrated for pushing the boundaries of what the genre itself could be as medium for social commentary.


The Museum of Pop Culture's Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame honors science fiction and fantasy’s leading creators and most impactful creations. To align with our annual Write Out of This World competition, and to coincide with the conclusion of voting for our next Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame class, we are sharing conversations we’ve had with some of science fiction and fantasy’s most celebrated storytellers.

Born on April 1, 1942, Samuel R Delany would be a published author by the young age of 20, launching one of the most illustrious, award-winning careers in science fiction writing. African American and gay, Delany not only broke barriers as a science fiction author at a time when the genre was dominated by white authors and heteronormative narratives, but is celebrated for pushing the boundaries of what the genre itself could be as medium for social commentary with his complex (and sometimes, controversial) writing, imagery, and radical exploration of race, class, sexuality and gender.

What inspired Samuel R. Delany to choose science fiction as his medium? Back in 2003, we sat down with him and he answered that very question.

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Learn more about MoPOP's 'Write Out of This World: Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Story and Comic Contest' + for contests, the latest news, and behind-the-scenes content, be sure to follow MoPOP on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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