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Learn how a new breed of gamers are leaving their mark on gaming history at MoPOP’s Indie Game Revolution. Featuring the stories of more than forty independent video game developers, designers, coders, composers, and critics, MoPOP presents a dynamic, immersive space inviting you to witness the present and future of gaming as it unfolds.
Press your finger to the pulse of a revolution with a playable look into twenty rotating titles from around the world, and discover how independent gamers are redefining their industry.
Indie Game Revolution is included with museum admission and is free for MoPOP Members.
Currently Playing at MoPOP
Enhanced cleaning protocols are in place for interactive elements. MORE INFO ▸
LUNA The Shadow Dust
Tenya Wanya Teens
Hidden Folks
Slayaway Camp
Out for Delivery
Hill Agency: PURITYdecay
Floppy Knights
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Drag Star
Before Your Eyes
The Light in the Darkness
Exhibition Sensory Rating
Sensory impact is rated on a scale from 0 (no impact) to 5 (very high impact).
- Room lighting is mild
- Some flashing from screens
- Screens are bright
- Lots of competing sounds overlapping
- Video game sounds
- Lots of people talking
- No noticeable scent
- You do have to touch items to play the games
- Various kinds of controllers available
- There is no uneven or moving terrain
- There is a lot of seating available
This is a busy exhibit with a ton of different video games all in one space, with people talking excitedly while playing various games.
Sensory ratings provided by Sensory Access
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