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From The Wizard of Oz and The Princess Bride to Harry Potter, Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic invites audiences on a fantastical journey to unearth the inspiration behind this genre’s most magnificent creations.
Pet a dragon designed by Seattle Opera and explore hands-on installations that include world building and mapmaking. See the Cowardly Lion's costume from The Wizard of Oz, weaponry from The Lord of the Rings, the first white walker head from Game of Thrones, and other iconic costumes and props from TV and the silver screen.
Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic is included with museum admission and is free for MoPOP Members.
Photo by Brady Harvey.
Exhibition Sensory Rating
Sensory impact is rated on a scale from 0 (no impact) to 5 (very high impact).
- Mellow lighting
- Rumbling noises
- Intermittent bird sounds
- Creaking sound
- No noticeable scent
- There are screens you can interact with, but it is not required
- There is no uneven or moving terrain
This is an interactive walk-through exhibit featuring art, costumes, and design pieces.
Sensory ratings provided by Sensory Access
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