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MoPOP is proud to offer remote learning workshops and resources to support students, teachers, and families. Learn more about our virtual student clubs or explore our free online resources below!
Online Educational Resources ▸
Experience MoPOP in person! We offer discounted rates for qualified K–12 schools and colleges, in-museum workshops, homeschool programs, and more!
Featuring unique activity kits, workshops, and performances that connect pop culture to your classroom curricula, our outreach programs bring MoPOP to you!
Outreach Workshops and Performances ▸
From professional development training to online resources, memberships, and more, MoPOP is proud to support our community of teachers!
With engaging themes like sci-fi, gaming, exhibition design, and hip hop, our camps will keep learning fun during school breaks!
Educator Newsletter
MoPOP offers a variety of resources for educators, including lesson plans, oral history interviews, and professional development workshops and events.
Be the first to hear about all education events at MoPOP by subscribing to our email list for educators.
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