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Join us at the museum Saturday, September 21 as we celebrate 70 years of community, cultural heritage, and powerful women with the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team, the only team in the world to combine Chinese opera costumes with marching drills.
Highlights will include a screening of the locally made drill team documentary She Marches in Chinatown, a rich panel discussion with team and community members, and live drill team performances throughout the day (with opportunities to join in!)
Saturday, September 21st
325 5th Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
Free with any of these:
- museum admission
- MoPOP membership
- educator RSVP
Event Details
- 11:00am—Screening of She Marches in Chinatown followed by an educator panel (Sound and Vision Theater)
- 12:15pm—Performance by the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team (Sky Church)
- 1:00-4:00pm—Family Pop In, Drop In—Join our education team to make your own headdress inspired by the team’s uniforms (South Lobby)
- 1:00pm—Costume meet-and-greet, exclusive to MoPOP Members and educators (Learning Labs)
- 2:00pm—Screening of She Marches in Chinatown followed by a panel with members of the team (Sound and Vision Theater)
- 3:15pm—Performance by the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team (Sky Church)
Educators: we have special programming for you throughout the day, focused on curriculum development and classroom learning. Are you an educator who would like to learn more about these specific activations?