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Summer is over, but not camps.
Stay tuned for two Mid Winter Camps: Role Playing Game Camp for ages 9-12 and 13-16. Registration and information coming soon! Campers will explore facets of the role-playing game extended universe such as character-building, improv, and more. Then, they will be led through different Role Playing Game (RPG) formats in small groups by Dungeon Masters. Join for the glory, stay for the unlikely band of heroes.
Summer is over, but not camps.
Stay tuned for two Mid Winter Camps: Role Playing Game Camp for ages 9-12 and 13-16. Registration and information coming soon! Campers will explore facets of the role-playing game extended universe such as character-building, improv, and more. Then, they will be led through different Role Playing Game (RPG) formats in small groups by Dungeon Masters. Join for the glory, stay for the unlikely band of heroes.