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Fantastic Creatures
Grades 3-8 | 1 hour
Your classroom will become a group of explorers, discovering never-before-found species of fantasy creatures! Taking what we already know about animal biology and habitats, we will use our imagination to create and become unique creatures. Each discovery team will get to study REAL creature specimens to inform their creations.
Can’t Look Away: Creating Your Own Mini Horror Story
Grades 9–12 | 80 mins
How do horror filmmakers elicit specific responses from their audience? In this workshop, we’ll study scenes from Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” (2017) and Iris K. Shim's "Umma" (2022) and then use what we learn to create our own mini horror stories, utilizing sound/music, body language, camera angles/distance, and dialogue/word choice.
- Workshops: $100. If you book more than one workshop at the same location on the same day, consecutive workshops cost $75 each.
- Additional costs include an administrative fee of $50 and TBD travel fees.
Brand-new Outreach Kits! Bring MoPOP into your classroom with our new Outreach Kit! Featuring props, puzzles, and more, our kits will help you explore MoPOP without leaving your classroom.
Thanks to our education and outreach sponsors: