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Calling all scouts!
MoPOP is hosting a special month for you this November!
As the next generation of creative thinkers, we invite you and your troop, family, and friends to explore the museum with $10 admission, special programming, and perks.
Scouts can embark on an out-of-this-world activity and receive a MoPOP commemorative patch to add to your collection!
Hidden Worlds: The Films of LAIKA is NOT included with your discounted admission tickets. You are welcome to upgrade your ticket selection to include our newest special exhibition for an additional $6 per ticket.
November 2023
All ages
FREE for members | $10 for non-members
Want to plan a troop activity outside of Scout Month?
With in-person and virtual workshops, group discounts, and more, MoPOP has you covered!
Questions? Get in touch with us by filling out the inquiry form below.